Since 1998, SGC has been a well-established leader in the authentication and grading of trading cards. Our ability to provide accurate and consistent grades in a timely manner is a service that is unique to the card-collecting community and has made SGC one of the pillars of card grading for over 24 years. As our team continues to grow and our footprint continues to expand, our mission remains the same — to help build a better hobby for all collectors.
SGC has officially kicked off a multi-year partnership with the Miami Dolphins! Read More
Collectors has announced the acquisition of SGC. Building on a legacy of more than 25 years, SGC will continue to operate independently within the Collectors portfolio, led by its existing management team. Read More
The SGC mobile app is available for download in the Apple and Google Play Stores! Create and track submissions. Easily access Cert Code and Pop Report data. Build, manage, and enjoy your SGC collection! Download App